Fees and Bursaries
The termly fees cover school tuition and lunch. All charges for tuition are made in advance and are due in full on the first day of term, we encourage you to pay by direct debit.
The fees below are the current 2024-2025 fees.* Fees are reviewed annually.
To download the fees and charges for 2024-2025, please click on the link here.
Prep School:
Reception to Year 2 (Age 4 to 7) |
£5,922 per term |
Year 3 to 4 (Age 8 to 9) | £6,354 per term |
Year 5 to 6 (Age 10 to 11) | £6,624 per term |
Senior School:
First Form and Second Form Third Form to Upper Sixth |
£9,030 per term £9,198 per term |
All Pupils:
Registration Fee (Non-Refundable):
Prep School | £120 |
Senior School | £120 |
Acceptance deposit (refunded when final term’s account is paid): £500*
Additional Amounts
Extra charges are kept to a minimum. Membership of most clubs and societies is covered by the school fee, but a few activities, including some which require consumables, may incur an extra charge and these will be identified in the AOB brochure.
Exam Fees
For parents and fee-payers of the incoming cohort of Fifth Form students and above, we will pass on charges for public exam fees when entries are made and they will be billed alongside fees for the summer term. This will be an additional charge for the number and type of subjects being sat at GCSE, IGCSE, BTEC, AS, A-levels and EPQ tailored for each student. Currently the typical range is between £500 to £700 for GCSE students and £450 to £650 for A-level students.
School Transport Network Charges
Prices range from £525 to £680 per term depending on distance travelled to and from School.
The School operates an online uniform service with School Blazer, whilst sportswear is available through Under Armour. The approximate cost for the full uniform, including sports kit is as follows:
Prep School: £175 – £325
Senior School: £400 – £450
Sixth Form: £210 – £310
*Exempt from VAT
Music Tuition
A range of specialist Musicians provide individual tuition on all orchestral instruments: strings, woodwind, brass and percussion and in piano, organ, singing, saxophone and guitar. Normally pupils will require their own instruments, and you will need to make your own arrangements for hire or purchase. Fees are currently £22.00 per 25 minutes, invoiced to parents by visiting musicians for a whole term in advance. Payment is expected by the beginning of the term.
Other Tuition Charges
There is no charge for exercise books or returnable text books, but work books, revision guides and some activities, trips and consumables will incur an extra charge. There is a charge for external examinations, which varies from one examination to another. Pupils requiring the assistance of the Learning Support Department may incur a separate charge of £890 per term for Senior School and £700 for Prep School. Pupils taking English as an Additional Language are charged at £75 per hour. This may be reduced if the pupil is taught as part of a group. The Technology charge in covers the exclusive use of a Surface device and is charged termly to pupils in Year Six and above at £100 with a Surface Go in the Prep School, and £138 in the Senior School with a Surface Pro.
School Fees Protection Scheme
Parents are strongly advised to join the scheme otherwise no compensation for absence is available. The School Fees Protection Scheme is an opt in scheme against absence due to illness, full details are included in our joining packs and are available from the Bursary. The premium at a variable 0.82% of the school fee is itemised on invoices and debited from the fee payer’s account. Please notify the Bursary if you have joined and wish to opt out of this scheme before the start of any term, refunds are not available once the term has commenced.
Personal Accident Insurance
A compulsory Personal Accident Insurance Policy is in operation for each pupil and the premium is included in the School fees. Parents should ensure that their children’s personal effects are insured against fire and theft. The School does not run a personal effects insurance policy.
Bursaries and Family Discounts
Bursaries are means-tested awards offering financial assistance related to the income and financial position of the pupil’s family and, where relevant how it arose. All applications must be submitted by the end of December prior to entry and are assessed together in the following Lent Term. Neither early nor late applications will be considered other than in exceptional circumstances.
A pupil who is the subject of an award is required to work hard, to contribute positively to the life of the School, to be a credit to the School and to set a good example to other pupils. The award is granted on the understanding that the amount of the award is kept in strictest confidence, both by the School and by the parents and pupil.
Family Discounts
Concessions for families with three or more children at Cokethorpe are offered as sibling discounts of up to 15%. Parents are invited to contact the Registrar at admissions@cokethorpe.org for further details prior to registration.
Bursary Eligibility
Awards are made at the discretion of the Headmaster in consultation with the Bursar and in accordance with the policy agreed by the Board of Governors.
Although the School is fortunate to receive donations to support our bursary programme from OCs and supporters of the School, the majority of bursaries are funded through our annual operating budgets and applications for Bursary support are regularly in excess of what we have available to offer. This means that although a pupil or their family may qualify for support based on their financial position it is also necessary to consider the potential for a pupil to contribute to the School, be that academically or through other (eg Sports, Music, Drama) talents alongside the transformational impact a bursary might have on their future.
Academic ability is accessed as part of our admissions process, and we might ask our Heads of Sport, Music or Drama to assess other talents during or before the admissions process as well as requesting appropriate third party references.
Bursary awards are reviewed regularly throughout a pupil’s lifetime at the School alongside their contribution to the School, if financial circumstances are materially unchanged and pupils have shown commitment to their studies and are representing the School positively in their co-curricular endeavours, awards will normally be maintained through to the end of Sixth Form.
We may ask parents to pay a greater proportion of the fees if their income should rise, but there is no obligation on the School’s part to decrease the percentage should their income fall; in the latter situation each case will be judged on its merits. During each Lent Term, therefore, parents will be asked to complete a new declaration of affordability and details of their income for the previous fiscal year.
Parents whose income is less than £25,000 may be offered full remission of fees. Those parents whose income in any tax year exceeds £100,000 will not usually qualify for assistance.
How to apply for a Bursary Assisted Place
If you wish to be considered for a Bursary Assisted Place please contact the Registrar, Mrs Sheer. On receipt of a pupil’s Registration Form, parents will be sent a Confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances form, which should be returned to the Bursar, Mrs Stapleton by the end of the calendar year preceding entry. The request for a bursary will be considered as part of the application process. Bursary awards will be notified in writing during the following Lent Term.
Parents will be provided with explanatory notes in order to help them complete the Confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances form.
Rescue Bursaries
Applications from parents with children already in the School, who experience unexpected financial difficulties, will be considered sympathetically for a temporary bursary, with priority given to those at a critical time in their education (GCSEs or A Levels).
Where next?
Admissions Process
Check the processes and requirements for your child’s entry to Cokethorpe, which varies depending on the year group your child will join, through our Admissions Process calculator.
Admissions Enquiries
Are you ready to take the next steps with Cokethorpe? If you have seen all you need to, contact our Admissions Office to register, set up a tour, join us for an Open Morning or request a prospectus.
The Co-Curricular Programme
Our Co-Curricular Programme covers the performing and creative arts, sport and outdoor education, the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and our extensive range of clubs and societies.
Book your tour today
Come and visit Cokethorpe, whether for an Open Morning or a personal Tour, and Discover Your Cokethorpe.