Dressing for Success

Sep 20, 2022

The CPFA would like to thank our Prep School parents for their generous donations of old School uniform. The uniform was donated to the Mwangala Mwenda Foundation, which primarily provides practical, educational and financial support to around 1,000 schoolchildren at schools throughout the Kalabo District in the Western Province of Zambia. The quantity of clothes donated is enough to provide school uniforms and sports kit for single year groups across three of the schools the charity supports. We are thrilled that the old uniform has been donated to such a fantastic charity.

We are also hugely grateful to the CPFA for the work they do for the School, over the last year they have raised well over £5,000 from the sale of uniforms, so please continue to donate any unwanted, good conditioned uniform.

Prep Pupils gathering uniform donations for the Mwangala Mwenda Foundation - CPFA Charity Uniform Drive - News