Captivating Performances in Devised Drama

Jun 23, 2023

Fourth Form GCSE Drama candidates presented their devised work in The Shed in front of a live audience as part of their assessments. The pupils selected and researched a range of challenging subject material before devising their original theatrical responses.

Fourth Form Devised Performance Fourth Form Devised Performance 3

Seen through the eyes of the protagonist, Jordyn (Gascoigne), Grace (Gascoigne), Lottie (Gascoigne) and Stella (Feilden) presented a story of surviving a difficult childhood dominated by domestic abuse. Alex (Harcourt), Luke (Queen Anne) and Zach (Harcourt) presented a retrospective of ‘father of the atomic bomb’ Robert Oppenheimer in a gameshow format, giving the audience the final say on his fate. Kacy (Vanbrugh), Darcey (Harcourt) and Bryony (Swift) focused on women whose lives were tragically altered due to the actions of others, including the impact of war, stalking and exploitation.

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Every pupil worked extremely hard and demonstrated a high level of ambition, originality and sensitivity to bring the stories alive on stage in such an engaging way.

Fourth Form Devised Performance 6