Cokethorpe Sounds

Cokethorpe Sounds

Welcome to Cokethorpe Sounds, the home of podcasting at Cokethorpe School. Launched in Lent Term 2023, the channel features discussions and interviews from acros the School, including the Inquiring Minds Scholars’ podcast and the Cokethorpe Conversations series. 

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Cokethorpe Conversations

Cokethorpe Conversations is a compilation of discussions on enlightenment, School life, and other meaningful topics, and debates with guests including our Headmaster, pupils, teachers, and various visitors. An opportunity to really showcase the incredible minds and talent at Cokethorpe, this series will give an authentic account of School life and the topics encountered through candid conversations.

Episode One

In this episode Mrs Logan chats to Head of Cokethorpe Prep,
Nicky Black, as well as three Prep pupils, Isobel (Year 6),
Will and Rumour (Year 4) about School life including their likes,
dislikes, achievements and goals.
Episode Three

I am joined in studio by our 2022 – 2023 Head of School, Jamie,
along with his deputies, Gemma and Dylan.
We discuss leadership and community through School.
Episode Five

I am joined in studio by our 2023 – 2024 Head of School, Dee.
We discuss her journey from Reception to Sixth Form,
her influences and ambitions and reminisce about her years at Cokethorpe School.
Episode Two

Cokethorpe Sounds · Cokethorpe Conversations #2 – Al Costly

Allan Costly and former Sixth Form student Casper Bolton
join me in the studio to discuss Al’s experience during his time in
the British Intelligence Corps in Afghanistan. An illuminating
exploration of the Afgan people and the Taliban culture.
Episode Four


Cokethorpe Conversations #4 – Mike Haines

Mike Haines and former Sixth Form student Dylan Morris join me in the studio to discuss
Mike’s work through Global Acts of Unity and his thoughts, musings and opinions on
combatting terrorism and the journey it has taken him on.
Episode Six

In this episode, I chat to Lower Sixth Form student Finn about his passion for Classics,
his achievements and ambitions for the future.

Inquiring Minds: Cokethorpe Scholars’ Podcast

The Scholars from First Form to Lower Sixth Form undertake their independent research projects during the Scholars’ AOB session each week. The quality and breadth of work produced across the board was superb. To share this research and the Scholars’ enthusiasm for it, a new Scholars’ Podcast has been created. The Inquiring Minds podcast sees Fifth and Sixth Form Scholars interview the younger Scholars about their projects.

Each episode makes for a fascinating discourse as you will discover!

Episode One

Cokethorpe School · Episode #1 – Rachael And Felix

In this episode our Scholars discuss the topics:
– How Psychology effects Pupils
– Why is IQ valued more highly than EQ in Society
Episode Three

Cokethorpe School · Episode #3 – Henry And Aoife

In this episode our Scholars discuss the topics:
– Prosthetic Limb development over time and Animals with Prosthetics
– The History, Physics and Mechanics of Watches
Episode Five

Cokethorpe School · Episode #5 – Marit And Thomas

In this episode Scholars discuss the topics:
– Existential life and the Heliosphere
– How the first elements were created after the Big Bang
Episode Seven

Cokethorpe School · Episode #7 – Tijn And Will

In this episode Scholars discuss the topics:
– Should the UK increase its Foreign Aid spending
– Why is there a cost of living crisis in the UK
Episode Nine

Cokethorpe School · Episode #9 – Mida And Eva

In this episode scholars discuss the topics:
– Does more money make us meaner?
– How is Ethnocentrism still affecting society today?
Episode Eleven

Cokethorpe School · Episode #11 – Emily

In this episode Scholars discuss the topic:
Was it right for MI6 to keep the cracking of Enigma a secret from America?
Episode Thirteen

Cokethorpe School · Episode #13 – Henry And Ella

In this episode Scholars discuss the topics:
– The significance of Ancient Greek pottery
– What impact did Greek myths have on ancient Greek society
Episode Two

Cokethorpe School · Episode #2 – Archie And Rohana

In this episode our Scholars discuss the topics:
– What a Type 4 Civilization could look like on the Kardashev scale
– The viability of Hydrogen Fuel Cells in Formula One
Episode Four

Cokethorpe School · Episode #4 – Freddie, Joe And Archie C

In this episode Scholars discuss the topics:
– What is the Impact of Commercialisation in Sport
– The Effect of Sports Injuries
– A Mathematical View on the World Cup
Episode Six

Cokethorpe School · Episode #6 – Amelie

In this episode Scholars discuss the topic:
– The Journey to Modern Languages
Episode Eight

Cokethorpe School · Episode #8 – Zoe And Luella

In this episode Scholars discuss the topics:
– How does crime affect South Africas economy?
– How does the death penalty affect society?
Episode Ten

Cokethorpe School · Episode #10 – Nathan And Alex

In this episode Scholars discuss the topics:
– What causes some people with Mental Illness to become destructive
– Has Social Media really made us more social
Episode Twelve

Cokethorpe School · Episode #12 – Emmeline And Evie

In this episode Scholars discuss the topics:
– Why is Representation Important?
– What is Beauty?

Where next?

Admissions Process

Check the processes and requirements for your child’s entry to Cokethorpe, which varies depending on the year group your child will join, through our Admissions Process calculator.

Aerial photo of Cokethorpe School - Welcome from the Headmaster - A co-educational Prep and Senior School - An Independent Day School
Welcome from the Headmaster

Mr Ettinger, our Headmaster, often describes Cokethorpe as a restless school, and one that provides a liberal education with exceptional breadth and an individual focus. Discover why.

Discover Cokethorpe
Discover Cokethorpe

What you will discover when you visit Cokethorpe is more than a stunning vista. Pupils have an exceptional breadth of opportunity and are supported with a truly individual focus.

Book your tour today

Come and visit Cokethorpe, whether for an Open Morning or a personal Tour, and Discover Your Cokethorpe.