As a finale to their time at the Prep School, Year 6 embarked on a residential trip to the Isle of Wight, taking part in a week-long programme designed to nurture resilience, teamwork, and a spirit of adventure. Their journey began with a ferry crossing, transforming the pupils into intrepid explorers for the duration of the trip.
Upon arrival on the island, they embraced a diverse range of activities, demonstrating remarkable courage as they tackled challenges such as sea canoeing against a tough current; the formidable Jacob’s Ladder; a blind sensory muddy obstacle trail; a bucolic island hike; and made exhilarating leaps of faith onto an enormously high trapeze. Whilst the giant swings provided a thrilling physical experience, the Matrix Escape Room tested the group’s impressive mental agility. No obstacle proved insurmountable for this determined cohort.
Their stamina, unwavering teamwork and resolute spirit were truly commendable, solidifying their position as exemplary ambassadors for our Prep School. This residential trip provided a platform for conquering fears, forging lasting friendships in dormitories and dining halls, and creating enduring memories.