The classic Roald Dahl tale of Matilda was spectacularly brought to life in the Summer Term production of Matilda the Musical JR. It tells the tale of Matilda, the clever, teased, book-worm played by the talented Lottie (Second Form, Gascoigne) who sang with angry passion and longing poignance. Matilda is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Wormwood, who were played by the comic geniuses Barney (Second Form, Swift) and Atalanta (Second Form, Queen Anne) respectively. Matilda was then sent to a boarding school run by the autocratic Miss Trunchbull – Xander (Third Form, Vanbrugh) whose hilarious performance had the audience in fits of laughter. She is suffered by her timid but kind niece, the divinely, and entirely appropriately named Miss Honey, played to perfection by the perfectly cast Sofia (Third Form, Feilden).
This production was hilariously entertaining, thrillingly dramatic and slickly performed. A triumph for Matilda and a triumph for the cast and crew of this incredible production.
Look out for the full review from Mr Elkin-Jones in the upcoming issue of The Ocellus.