Under a royal blue sky, The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Walk took place on the final day before Summer half term. The whole of the Prep School, with many pupils and staff wearing Jubilee-themed colours and outfits, joined in the sponsored walk celebrating Her Majesty’s 70 years on the throne. There were lots of Union flags being waved, crowns worn, and even a smattering red, white and blue wigs.
Pupils walked a route of three kilometres, with each pupil collecting a sticker at the half-kilometre checkpoints. Many of the older pupils ran the circuit with several of them completing four laps and a few managing a record five circuits! 1,207 stickers were awarded, and a total of 603.5 km was covered.
After the event, the pupils were treated to a wonderful Jubilee-themed lunch provided by our wonderful Catering Team, who really got into the spirit of this Royal occasion.
Thank you to all walkers, their sponsors and to the people who helped with the checkpoints and the organisation of the event.
This year, the chosen charity was The British Red Cross, supporting the Ukraine Crisis Appeal.