The Fifth Form Common Room Departs, ‘All Aboard!’

The Fifth Form Common Room Departs, ‘All Aboard!’

Michaelmas Term 2023 ended in a flurry of festive joy. However, the year sadly did not end so well for the Fifth Form Common Room. Following the tumultuous events of the Christmas break for the Fifth Form pupils’ home from home, some swift thinking was called...
A Moving Trip to Berlin for History Pupils

A Moving Trip to Berlin for History Pupils

Fourth and Fifth Form History pupils visited Berlin for an illuminating and informative, albeit emotive, trip to Berlin. On arrival, pupils embarked on a walking tour of the historic centre of Berlin, including stops at the Brandenburg Gate and the Memorial to the...
A Taste of Sixth Form Life

A Taste of Sixth Form Life

Fifth Form pupils were given the opportunity to sample the Sixth Form experience at the Sixth Form Taster Day. Pupils attended four full-length Sixth Form taster lessons (which they had chosen in advance); for many, this was a chance to try subjects that they have yet...
A Classical Exploration of Antiquity

A Classical Exploration of Antiquity

It was an exploration of antiquity for our Fifth Form and Lower Sixth Latin and Classics pupils as they spent the day at the British Museum in London. There was plenty of inspiration for our Classicists as they explored the statues, monuments and artefacts from...
A life-changing trip to Malawi

A life-changing trip to Malawi

Immediately after the celebrations that marked the end of the academic year, a group of 21 pupils from across the Fifth and Sixth Forms went on a life-changing trip to Malawi. The focus of the trip was to learn more about the way in which Malawians are responding to...