Trip to Cotswold Farm Park

Trip to Cotswold Farm Park

Reception Class children got up close and personal with some farmyard friends on their trip to Cotswold Farm Park. The day began with helpful hands feeding the goats and sheep, followed by bottle-feeding hungry lambs and kids. Once the bigger animals had been fed, the...
Putting Paddles into Practice

Putting Paddles into Practice

On the most splendid summer day so far this year, the Second Form took to the water, paddles in hand, for a trip to remember. After designing and making their paddles in Design and Technology lessons, they had the opportunity to test their creations on the tranquil...
Prep School ‘Go For It’ at Sports Day

Prep School ‘Go For It’ at Sports Day

There was excitement in the air as the four Prep Houses vied for the coveted title of 2024 Sports Day Champions. The event kicked off with the Pre-Prep races, where our youngest athletes showed their determination and talent. The competitive spirit and sportsmanship...
The 39 Steps – A Masterclass in Comedy

The 39 Steps – A Masterclass in Comedy

Exploding into The Shed in a riot of ludicrous slapstick and silliness, the latest venture from Cokethorpe Drama was a roaring success. Drawing on the classic John Buchan tale of spies, intrigue and assassination, this production had its tongue firmly in its cheek, as...
A Trip Down Memory Lane at Reunion Dinner

A Trip Down Memory Lane at Reunion Dinner

The OC Reunion last Saturday saw a delightful gathering, full of nostalgic moments and heartfelt connections. Alumni from across the generations came together to talk about their school days, share updates on their families and reconnect with old friends and teachers....