Learning About Life in the Roman Legions

Learning About Life in the Roman Legions

First Form pupils travelled to the British Museum in London with the Classics Department to explore the incredible collections of antiquities on display.  The focus of the visit was for our young Classicists to view the exciting new exhibition: ‘Legion: Life in...
Great Attitude at Altitude on Ski Trip

Great Attitude at Altitude on Ski Trip

During the Easter holidays, a group of very excited pupils from the Prep School and First Form embarked on the inaugural Prep School Ski Trip to the snow-covered resort of Marilleva, in Italy.   Having arrived at the resort and settled into their rooms, pupils were...
Year 6 Don’t Miss a Beat

Year 6 Don’t Miss a Beat

It was Ms James’ privilege to organise a disco for the deserving and hardworking Year 6 pupils following their First Form Entrance Assessments. The festivities began with a splendid supper in the Dining Hall. Then, with glow sticks at the ready, the Class of ‘24...
First Form ‘Raven’ About Tower of London Visit

First Form ‘Raven’ About Tower of London Visit

First Form pupils delved into the past on their recent visit to the historic Tower of London as part of their studies on the Norman Conquest. They relished the opportunity to explore the medieval White Tower, which was originally built on a huge mound at the...
A Masterclass in Masks

A Masterclass in Masks

The entire First Form were lucky enough to enjoy a Drama workshop with the renowned and exciting Vamos Theatre company. Capitalising on the current term’s exploration of mime and physical expression, our pupils experienced a masterclass in how to use professional...