Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet

When Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet it is unlikely that he ever imagined a cast of 55 children aged nine, ten, and eleven enacting his sixteen-part play so professionally. In the Prep School, however, challenge is to be embraced, and nothing is ever too difficult;...
Animal Farm

Animal Farm

The Lent Term productions have become legendary here at Cokethorpe for their vast scale, vibrant design, and their ambitious scope. This year’s performance of Animal Farm continued this legacy with a fiery and captivating performance. The ensemble cast and crew of...
Music Springs to Life

Music Springs to Life

The atmosphere was electric at this year’s Spring Concert, which marked two firsts in the history of Cokethorpe’s Music Department: it was the first concert ever to take place in the Dining Hall, where the performers could take full advantage of its glorious acoustic;...
Unmasking Theatrics

Unmasking Theatrics

Fresh from their highly successful recent performance of ‘Dracula’, all of Second Form took part in a fantastic workshop with Vamos Theatre company. Learning the wonderful skills of mask work and physical expression, the pupils were encouraged to find alternate means...
Second Form delve into the shadows

Second Form delve into the shadows

Second Form Dramatists delved in to the shadows this term with their thrilling production of ‘Dracula’. The entire year group performed, taking responsibility for communicating a section of the story. With the use of minimal props and costumes, multi-roling and...
Grimm Tales told by First Form

Grimm Tales told by First Form

Our First Form dramatic talent exploded onto the stage in a riot of colour, humour and physicality in the production of The Fairy Tales Grimm. Every class took responsibility for a different fairy tale, adapted from the unnerving original stories, and performed these...