Food for Thought for Year 6 at ‘Wildfarmed’

Food for Thought for Year 6 at ‘Wildfarmed’

The current Year 6 cohort are piloting a new initiative entitled ‘the Prep Portfolio’ which aims to help prepare pupils for Senior School and beyond by fostering a greater sense of responsibility and independence. Pupils are undertaking six units: Multi-Generational,...
Year 6 Residential

Year 6 Residential

As a finale to their time at the Prep School, Year 6 embarked on a residential trip to the Isle of Wight, taking part in a week-long programme designed to nurture resilience, teamwork, and a spirit of adventure. Their journey began with a ferry crossing, transforming...
A Cultural Adventure in Barcelona

A Cultural Adventure in Barcelona

Third and Fourth Form pupils studying Spanish recently embarked on a cultural adventure to Barcelona, where they explored this fabulous city steeped in culture whilst honing their linguistic skills learnt in the classroom. First stop, was a trip to La Sagrada Familia,...
Great Attitude at Altitude on Ski Trip

Great Attitude at Altitude on Ski Trip

During the Easter holidays, a group of very excited pupils from the Prep School and First Form embarked on the inaugural Prep School Ski Trip to the snow-covered resort of Marilleva, in Italy.   Having arrived at the resort and settled into their rooms, pupils were...
Experts on Ecology and Ecosystems

Experts on Ecology and Ecosystems

As part of the ecology topic of their A Level course, Lower Sixth biologists travelled to Preston Monfort Field Work Centre to put what they have been learning in the classroom into practice. The group were there to investigate populations and learn about the various...